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Boredom Busters for kids (with printable!)

Okay seriously, does anyone else have a kid that tells them multiple times a day that they are bored? I'm not sure why, but this drives me absolutely crazy, and now that we are all home all the time it's naturally gotten worse, so I typed up this "Mom, I'm Bored list" and I'm telling you it has been a life saver. I printed it, laminated it with one of my favorite DIY laminating pouches and hung it on the fridge. Now, every time one of my kids (and by "one" of my kids, I mean Scout😂) tells me they're bored I ask them to look at the list. Such an easy fix and it's making everyone a bit happier and a lot less bored around here.



And because I know you're gonna ask (and why wouldn't you? 😍) the hammock is from Splendipity Hammocks 😘

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